Typical uses of IsoBoard in agriculture



Whether involved in broiler or egg production, chick rearing or turkey breeding, poultry farmers can optimize production and profits by creating a controlled environment with IsoBoard Thermal Insulation.

With well over one million square meters of IsoBoard installed in the Poultry Industry since 1995, IsoBoard is the proven thermal insulation for poultry applications.

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Wine Farms

After you’ve harvested the best that nature, nurture and the soil can offer, you want full control over all aspects of fermentation and maturation, especially the temperature. Here, IsoBoard thermal insulation will help.

Our insulation boards are available in various thicknesses to match the temperature control requirements of each stage of wine making, and are currently installed in over 100 cellar applications. Consult an IsoBoard representative for assistance with adding IsoBoard thermal insulation

to your terroir.


IsoBoard Technical Reports and diagrams